Question escalated to the prevention workstream of the Wasting TWG. Should messages that support IPC when seeking food at markets be included?

The following answer was generation through consultation within the prevention workstream of the Wasting TWG.

All measures that will reduce the risk of contamination with COVID-19 should be observed at all moments.

WHO recommends applying the following IPC measures specifically for grocery shopping:
• Keep at least one metre distance from another person
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
• If possible, sanitise the handles of shopping trolleys or baskets before start shopping
• Arriving at home, wash your hands thoroughly
• Wash your hands again after handling and storing your purchasing products
• There is currently no confirmed case of COVID-19 transmitted through food or food packaging

In live animal markets or animal product market, the following WHO general recommendations for reducing the risk of transmission of zoonotic pathogens apply:
• Apply general hygiene measures: regular hand washing with soap and water after touching animals and animal products, avoiding touching eyes, nose, or mouth with hands, and avoiding contact with sick animals or spoiled animal products
• Avoid contact with other animals possibly living in the market
• Avoid contact with potentially contaminated animal waste or fluids on the soil or structures of shops and market facilities
• Avoid the consumption of raw or undercooked animal products. Raw meat, milk, or animal organs should be handled with care, to avoid cross-contamination with uncooked foods

In addition, FAO recommends:

• Always washing hands with soap and water (20 seconds) after shopping, before handling food and eating and after using the bathroom. And practice respiratory hygiene
• Respect local measures, ensure physical distance when selecting food items and in lines, keep hands clean and do not shop if you have any symptoms
• Always wash your hands after unpacking food, wipe down and disinfect surfaces and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth when handling food and food packages

In addition, wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose and plan food shopping in order to reduce the number of times you go to the market.

These recommendations should be adapted to the context and national policies.



4 years ago
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