I am asking this question because it seems that there has been a suggestion (order?) from higher authorities in Bangladesh to distribute milk powder in the food packages to the vulnerable/ affected areas, maybe specifying that it is for the adults in the family....! Although I suppose it should be covered in the "normal" food distribution guidance for any disaster situation, with reference to BMS Code violations, I am wondering if anything specific has been mentioned in recent Covid-19 related guidance so that milk powder is not given for adults either. And why should it? Adults do not generally drink milk in Bangladesh - and they will definitely give it to their infants and young children!

Dear Rukhsana, 

Milk distribution is indeed covered in global guidance, such as the Operational Guidance on Infant Feeding in Emergencies and WFP's Position Paper on Use of MILK

Although fresh milk is included in the food basket suggested in Myanmar's Adapted Emergency Nutrition Programming Guidance during COVID-19 Pandemic in Myanmar, guidance is provided on p. 8 of the same document which states that "The BMS, other milk products, bottles and teats should not be included in a general or blanket distribution" and further detail given in IYCF guidance in Annexe 2. 

Thank you 

Isabelle Modigell


4 years ago
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