Dear all,

I have seen La Leche League and Safely Fed Canada images that can help with communicating messages for nutrition/IYCF and COVID-19. I wonder whether others have produced any visual materials for community health workers to use to support communication? We are especially interested in images of Muslim women breastfeeding with a mask for example or other images along these lines.

Thanks, Ciara

Dear Caira

Here are a couple of links that have templates of communication materials in different languages and for different types of media (print, social media, etc.) that also include editable files to contextualize the messages. However, it would be good to get the content technically verified, once adapted.

As the SBC Advisor for Tech RRT, I have been doing an analysis of tools/materials available for social and behavior change communication related to COVID and will be happy to provide links to specific requirements or provide support in adapting tools/materials, for which it would be good to know the context and intervention details.

Sona Sharma


4 years ago

Dear Sona,

Thank you for sharing the WHO and Poster my Wall links, both are new to me and quite helpful. We've contracted a designer we worked with before to develop new images that will best fit our needs and fill the gaps. Once these are developed and signed off we hope to share them more widely. 

Best, Ciara  

Ciara Hogan


4 years ago

Dear all,

UNICEF and USAID-funded Advancing Nutrition have developed a package of counselling cards on Infant and young child feeding recommendations when COVID-19 is suspected or confirmed

Developed with technical support by the Infant Feeding in Emergencies Core Group, represented by Save the Children and Safely Fed Canada – the Counseling Package includes a set of 10 Counselling Cards and Recommended Practices Booklet.    

The Counselling Package translates the global recommendations by UNICEF and WHO on IYCF in the context of COVID-19 into user-friendly messages and images that have been field-tested across regions and can be adapted to local contexts. 

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


4 years ago
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