This question appears strange like my other questions, but I think it’s really important to again guide the people about the balanced diet regarding this situation. We all know that the scientists are busy in researching about the coronavirus, we hear different things about it, but the scientists are still unsure, it requires more research.It’s spreading dangerously. We all are tensed.

WHO has already given us the guidelines, how to stay safe.

As we know that, there is no specific medicine for coronavirus infection treatment, different people are suggesting different things.

I think the diet can play an important in this situation, if we start taking a balanced, clean diet, we know that it’s a combination of different food group, contains all essential amino acids, good fats, vitamins, mineral, complex carbohydrates. Each nutrient complement’s the other nutrient. The health benefits of all nutrients are scientifically proven. This can make us strong enough to fight the corona virus by boosting up the immune system.

Balanced diet can be design according to financial and traditional status of people.

For example a low income Pakistani can eat mixed dal (Mixed lentils) with whole wheat chapatti (flat bread), tomato onion rings and yogurt.

I think our body is like a building, the strong building can face the climatic hazards very well, so the proper maintenance is very important, It's importance increases with the passage of time otherwise it becomes fragile, can’t bear any shock.

Interesting article here on how a healthy and balanced diet can help to flatten the curve (together with other recommended public health measures). Hope you find the reading interesting

Patrizia Fracassi


4 years ago

There is also advice available from WHO on nutrition for adults in the context of COVID-19 here

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


4 years ago
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