I was wondering if there is clear guide how to calculat the estimated need of TSFP food commodities such as supplementary Plumpy, Blended food (CSB, WSB, vegatable oil and Sugar) for example for six months. In case of OTP, i think there is guide which is recommend about 10-15kg of plumpy nut per child/cure. In this case, we can calculate the need by multiplying number of caseload with recommended ration size which is lets say 12.5kg plumpy nut. Then how about for TSFP?
Hi I'm Marife, Base on specs of RUSF-PLumpy sup, it's dosage is 1 sachet per day/child.


11 years ago
Dear Marife, The question was not about the ration size per a day. It is about requesting the availability of existing tools that helps to determine the estimated need of SFP resources for the whole project duration that could be six months or one year.


11 years ago
Dear Friend, please have a look on below estimation taken from CMAM toolkit. use estimated caseload to fill in the table for the coming year (or less based on project months) based on estimated caseload, prediction of trends, seasonal malnutrition patterns, scale up plans estimated admissions to OTP throughout the year (or other given time period) should equal the total estimated caseload from tool xx estimated admissions to SC are usually found to be approximately 15% of the total OTP caseload, especially at the start of the program. This may decrease after time, dependent upon quality of timely referral and outpatient treatment jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec total SFP 0 OTP 0 SC 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Actually this just the pattern you have to follow, if you need detail supplies tool kit you can contact me through email asfandyarkhn@yahoo.com. Very best, Asfandyar


11 years ago
Dear Friend, you can see in the below table estimation of supplies for OTP/TSFP taken from CMAM toolkit. use estimated caseload to fill in the table for the coming year (or less based on project months) based on estimated caseload, prediction of trends, seasonal malnutrition patterns, scale up plans estimated admissions to OTP throughout the year (or other given time period) should equal the total estimated caseload from tool xx estimated admissions to SC are usually found to be approximately 15% of the total OTP caseload, especially at the start of the program. This may decrease after time, dependent upon quality of timely referral and outpatient treatment jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec total SFP 0 OTP 0 SC 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 You may contact me through my email ID asfandyarkhn@yahoo.com to know about the calculation table. Very Best, Asfandyar


11 years ago
I'm Asa, I think its based on estimation especially after carrying out a base-line survey. For that case you can determine a probable case-load per month, then you will take the caseloads times a ration of 7.0kgs per beneficiary times 6 months. Additionally you will give 10% contingency supply on a monthly basis for any new admission for that month. Thank you.
Asa Lelei


11 years ago
My reply was for determining the CSB or Supercereals. For the case of oil, you do a tenth of the weight of Supercereals/ CSB.
Asa Lelei


11 years ago
Hi Please note the calculation for TSFP supplies is made on the following formula; For RUTF is 3 sachet /day for 60 days= 180sachets till cured For RUSF is 1 sachet /days for 90 days WSB is 2.25kg/patient /month for 3 months The amount required for each patient is multiply with estimated case load and then with period (e.g. 6 months) the whole amount of SFP commodities can calculate.
Najma Ayub


11 years ago

As part of the prevention of malnutrition, can I have a document outlining lessons learned from an experience in cooking demonstrations for implementing a cooking demonstration activity in a village.

Abu Ahammad abdullah


11 years ago

Hello everyone

I am implementing a community-based Nutrition project. So I ask you to help me with the complete community nutrition training kits or tools kits for the implementation of these activities from start to finish.

The programme / project is resilience in health and nutrition and focuses on the prevention of malnutrition combined with the management of acute malnutrition with 
a WASH in Nutrition aspect. I count a lot on your support. I would also welcome a link to the most updated CMAM kit. 

I am in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Thank you

Nutritionist and Dietitian
E-mail: yakututendwe@yahoo.fr
Skype: kalufenye.ngengele.emmanuel
Tel: + 243997267477, + 243829449841, + 243854720702



11 years ago
Hi, i am trying to share my experience for this confusion which may be useful. if our total estimated cases are 12000 for whole project period then we can estimate quantity of supplementary plumpy as follows: average length of stay: 3 month daily dose of supplementary plumpy: 1 sachet/day/beneficiary weight of 1 sachet supplementary plumpy: 92 gm = 0.092kg So, total amount of supplementary plumpy for whole project periond: 12000*0.092*30*3 kg =99360 kg which will be equivalent to 99360/1000 MT =99.36 MT. you can add 10% contingency considering case fluctuations and other things. so, this project will need 109.3 MT of supplementary plumpy for 12000 estimted beneficiaries. Hope this is helpful. Thanks


11 years ago
Hi all, I am Dr. Sajid Shafique, As per given data for calculation, mentioned first approach shows that each MAM child will have only one month ration, where standard is of 90 days, therefore approach 01 is not correct. Second approach as mentioned by Sanjay Kumar is practiced.


10 years ago
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