Dear All, I would like to ask about the best strategies / approaches to sustain the community out reach activities within CMAM in the MOH supported programme in recovery context ? Thanks and happy new year to every one !
Hi I think the best approach is to involve the community structures like village/boma health committees. These structures should be supported to recruit volunteers/home health promoters (HHPs) for active case finding, referral and follow up of cases for malnutrition, diarrhea and immunization etc as well as carrying out other outreach activities like conducting health & nutrition education, cooking demonstration sessions and campaigns. I hope this will be helpful. Regards
Junaid Chohan


11 years ago
Dear All, I would also suggest to involve more community volunteers of that community. we are already practicing the community involvement in CMAM & IYCF to improve the community outreach. moreover involving LHWs/CHWs from MoH and building their capacity will also accelerate the community outreach component to improve access and coverage of that area.


11 years ago
The community nutrition volunteers should be identified and build their capacity on CMAM and IYCF basic notation through which they received, MUAC tapes, referral cards and Nutrition/IYCF hand booklets to aid them when raising awareness and understanding of malnutrition in the community. Similarly involvement of LHWs worker in CMAM program can sustain the out reached activities and screening of children and PLW should be included in their routine activities for sustainability.
Najma Ayub


11 years ago
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