How effective is the use of High Energy biscuits in treatment of Moderate acute malnutrition amongst pregnant and lactating mothers (MUAC <21cm). This seems to be a growing practice in certain countries. My assumption had always been that HEB are more appropriate as a short term emergency response measure in periods of heightened emergencies where initial access to food has been hampered.
Dear person, you just posted the question: How effective is the use of High Energy biscuits in treatment of Moderate acute malnutrition amongst pregnant and lactating mothers (MUAC <21cm). My counter question is (in order to know more what you want to achieve): How effective is the use of High Energy biscuits in treatment of Moderate acute malnutrition amongst pregnant and lactating mothers (MUAC <21cm) FOR WHAT EXACTLY? What is your aim? You want to use something for this group, but WHAT exactly do you want to reach? You want to increase their MUAC? You want to have them less risks for low birth weight babies? You want them to have a diet that meet all RDAs? It will be helpful if you can formulate what your objectives is for the/any intervention for this group. Your objective will shape the answers you are looking for. Thanks, Mija
Mija Ververs


11 years ago
Dear Mija, I have observed the use of HEBs as "the" response of choice for MAM treatment of PLWs in Pakistan, I question the effectiveness or adequacy of this product in treating and sustaining nutritional status of both the mother and the child. I remain hesitant with the use of HEB for treatment of malnutrition, the thing is how much HEB and for how long does one need to take HEB to recover physiologically from under-nutrition? I believe that beyond such an approach that appears as a quick fix to a much more complex issue, there are more appropriate and even sustainable alternatives to address malnutrition within this population category, hence my question.


11 years ago
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