The new IYCF indicators (developed from the consensus meeting in 2007) include one on 'children 6-23m old who receive an iron-rich food or a food that was specially designed for infants and young children and was fortified with iron....' I am unsure as to how much iron makes the following 'fortified' (i) iron fortified infant formula, (ii) iron fortified follow-on formula and (iii) iron fortified solid, semi solid and soft foods'. I have tried to look at Codex and other sites but have not found anything useful as a definition, does anyone know? Also, to me the definition is confusing as well. It refers to foods 'specially designed for infants and young children' - however products like milk in cartons that are made for the family often say that they are 'fortified / enriched / have added iron' (although the amount of extra iron is not always mentioned). This 'family' milk is often drunk by children and therefore should surely these should be included in this definition but it appears that it is not. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks,
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