Can i have a short presentation elaborating the difference between various coverage surveys (SQUEAC, SLEAC etc). also i have gone through the presentations for S3M in the coverage assessment section but couldnt get a clear idea of it... is there any video link available for S3M??
Here is the link to access all resources presented during the Oxford workshop: Ernest, Mark: anything document that we can share about S3M?


12 years ago
To give you a starting place ... S3M is a development of the CSAS method. The grid is hexagonal (this increases the evenness of the sample compared to S3M). Estimation is at the level of triangular tiles which are "supported" by (i.e. use data from) the three primary sampling units at the vertices of each triangle (this also provides a degree of smoothing). The triangles are found using a computation geometry methods known as "Delaunay Triangulation" which has desirable properties (i.e. unique solution, propensity to avoid long / narrow triangles. As far as I know there is no video of S3M. There is documentation (i.e. some presentations, an early and incomplete draft of a manual, survey reports from Niger and Sudan). There is software which works well but is not ready for general distribution because it lacks a "buttons and boxes" graphical user interface. The incomplete nature of the documentation and software is due to the fact that S3M is a method under development. The method works well for coverage and we are experimenting with using it with a wide range of indicators. If you want to do an S3M survey then you should contact VALID International Ltd. or Brixton Health. UNICEF Niger and UNICEF Sudan also have experience with the method. If you need a very simple (and rather coarse) coverage mapping method you may also want to look at SLEAC. This is described in the SQUEAC / SLEAC technical reference and in an article in FEX 42. I hope this is of some use.


12 years ago
thanks .... will go through the material on the mentioned link and come back to you on this..


12 years ago
OK. Happy to help.


12 years ago
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