I am currently trying to procure a very small number of HemoCue 201+ (for Hb) machines, microcurvettes and 'Rapid Iodine Testing Kits' (test iodate in household salt) for a project in Bangladesh.
I have not found these available in the Bangladesh market and they are not available through UNICEF here. I need to procure from offshore but need to provide some more information to our supply chain.
Can anyone please advise me of any distributors of these items in the South Asian/ South East Asian area? Also what the expected price is in USD?
Hi, just went through this with UNICEF in a different country; so, if you can rely on UNICEF supply division, you can still purchase the Hb201+ machine (although the Hb 301 is the newer make and is enlisted in UNICEF's warehouse catalogue): HemoCue is enlisted as a direct ordering supplier with UNICEF and they can also send you the device (although not through warehouse, but through HemoCue Sweden, using the direct ordering number). I don't know the prices of the 201+ though, since we ended up borrowing the machine from other UNICEF countries.
12 years ago