I am developing a guidance note for all the different nutrition components within a cholera emergency response to be used by the field based teams during start-up and afterwards. This includes IYCF within CTC and during campaigns, food storage and utilization within CTC, and treatment of SAM and MAM children within a CTC. I have looked at the resources present on ENN but was wondering if more materials exist, experiences or lessons learnt that i should take into account and/or new developments. Especially regarding IYCF, i am lacking in-depth reference materials besides the materials found on ENN. Could anyong guide me on this (and of course materials on the other components are welcome as well). Thanks in advance!
Dear Stien, We had a similar issue (at UNICEF Somalia) when we had a cholera outbreak during the famine last year. We were sent materials from the Haiti and Zimbabwe experiences that were helpful and we used those to develop some contextualized materials. Send me an email if you would like these materials, at emccloskey@unicef.org Cheers, Erin McCloskey-Rebelo
Erin McCloskey-Rebelo


12 years ago
Hi Stien Try this ( Documents Section) http://oneresponse.info/Disasters/Haiti/Nutrition/Pages/default.aspx Regards
Rogers Wanyama


12 years ago
Hi Stien! Further to your request for information on IYCF -you can contact me on DeborahsE@gmail.com or deborahsskype and I may be able to assist.


12 years ago
Thanks everybody for the support! I have finalized my guidance note with all materials provided. There is still a lack of research to build my program guidance on but experiences from the field are not to be underestimated, and helped a lot.
Stien Gijsel


12 years ago
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