My work involves providing support to four field offices to ensure quality programming in a nutrition programme. To be able to do that well, i need to do a needs assessment and for this i need a needs assessment checklist to establish where my area of focus will be to support better. What are some of the areas i should focus us in developing the checklist? The program includes Supplementary feeding, Therapeutic feeding, inpatient care, other essential nutrition actions(e.g de-worming , VAS, Iron and Zinc supplementation, WASH, Infant and Young child feeding etc.), trainings, and conducting surveys.
kindly clarify whether the programme is designed for your organization to do the actual implementation or provide technical support/ build the capacity of the implementers?


12 years ago
I'm not quite sure what you are asking? Are you looking for (e.g.) a survey method that will look at the need for specific interventions? ... or ... do you want a sort of quality control checklist that you can apply to each program? Let us know and I'm sure we can help.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


12 years ago
Hi i am looking for areas of focus while developing a needs assessment checklist to establish areas needing my support when planning for field visits. I will thereafter send the checklist to the field team and from their responses i can know the areas of priority during field visits.
Njeri Waigwa


12 years ago
Sorry. I still don't quite understand what you want. Can you give an example or a narrative.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


12 years ago
Hi, Rogers Wanyama in Kenya has a checklist that he can share with you. I will put you in touch. Best wishes Tamsin
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


12 years ago
From Alexander Muthie: Here are some of suggestions: For example in successful running of OTP and SFP you may need to find out level of skills of those working on the ground in terms of how they are doing screening (procedure on taking anthropometric assessment, assessing edema and look up on Z score if it is done accurately) What about admission procedure? are children admitted according to the set criteria? Check medical management: are routine drugs given as per set protocol? Is stock sufficient? Is immunization status checked? Nutritional management: assess if RUTF ration is per child's body weight or set standard. Check documentation: do staff need support from HIS office? Is health education is given, how is it given ? there is need to improve. Check discharges procedure: are children discharge according to set protocol? Check monitoring, reporting, store management and community mobilization. Community mobilization check system on defaulter tracing, how effective is it? From these you can be able to deduce if it is capacity building of the staff needed or supplies shortage or other programmatic issues which need to be addressed by bringing relevant stakeholders on board in order to make overall program successful. Hope you will find this somehow useful. Regards! Alexander
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


12 years ago
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