Hey everybody, I am looking for reference tables for the sitting-standing height ratio. Are there general reference tables or country/region-specific ones? Could anyone kindly send me these reference tables? My email is christina_gruenewald@wvi.org Thank you very much !!
Some date are available ... Eiben OG, Pantó E. 1986. The Hungarian National Growth Standards. Anthrop Közl 30:1-40. Eveleth PB, Tanner JM. 1990. Worldwide Variation in Human Growth (2nd Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Faulhaber J. 1976. Investigación Longitudinal del Crecimiento 26. Cordoba: Instituto Nacional de Anthropologia e Historia, Colleción Cientifica, Anthropologia Fisica. Fredriks AW, van Buuren S, van Heel WJM, Dijkman-NeerincxR HM, Verloove-Vanhorick SP, Wit JM, Nationwide age references for sitting height, leg length, and sitting height/height ratio, and their diagnostic value for disproportionate growth disorders, Arch Dis Child 2005;90:807–812. Gerver WJM. 1988. Measurement of the Body Proportions in Children. The Oosterwolde Study. Lordgraf: Drukkerij Groenavelt BV. Hernandez M, Castellet J, Garcia M, Narvaiza JL, Rincon JM, Ruiz I, Sanchez E, Sobradillo B, Zurimendi A. 1985. Curvas de Crecimiento. Madrid: Editorial Garsi. Karlberg P, Taranger J, Engstrom I, Lichenstein H, Svennberg-Redegren I. 1976. The Somatic Development of Children in a Swedish Urban Community. Göteborg: University of Göteborg & Karolinska Institute. Martorell R, Mendoza FS, Castillo RO, Pawson IG, Budge CC. 1987. Short and plump physique of Mexican-American children. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 73(4):475-87. Martorell R, Malina RM, Castillo RO, Mendoza FS, Pawson IG. 1988. Body proportions in three ethnic groups: Children and youths 2 – 17 years in NHANES II and NHANES, Hum Biol 60(2):205-22 Myatt M, Duffield A, Seal A, Pasteur F, The effect of body shape on weight-for-height and mid-upper arm circumference based case definitions of acute malnutrition in Ethiopian children, Annals of Human Biology, 2009, 36(1):5-20 Prader A, Budliger H. 1977. Body measurements, growth velocity and bone age in healthy children up to 12 years of age (longitudinal growth study, Zurich). Helv Paediatr Acta 37(S):1-44. Waaler PE. 1983. Anthropometric studies in Norwegian children. Acta Paediatr. Scand 308(S):1-41. Zhang X. 1977. Studies on the physical development of children and adolescents in New China. Chinese medical Journal 3(6):364-72. Zhang X, Huang Z. 1988. The second national growth and development survey of children in China, 1985: Children 0-7 years. Annals of Human Biology 15(4):289-305. Any help?
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


12 years ago
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