Hello there, I am looking for information on Moringa leaf powder as a supplement for moderately malnourshed patients, including infants and young children. I am having trouble finding evidence on whether it is safe (i.e. not harmful), effective, and suitable in emergency contexts. I'd be grateful for any insight on this. Thank you kindly, Helen
9-Jan-12 Helen; There is no formal experience that I know of using moringa leaf supplements. In general moringa provides a rich mixture of antioxidants. Moringa is not a rich source of energy. While this is not harmful, it is unlikely to address the acute problem, lack of food. I would be careful not to give moringa to children < 6 months of age, as the immature liver may not be able to metabolize the antioxidants. I would not spend much time on Moringa as it unlikely to help more than just a little bit. Mark Manary
Mark Manary
Technical Expert


12 years ago
I would say that there are many people who are promoting [url=http://www.maxtransformation.com/]moringa[/url] based products in their own way. Moringa is a certified from the govt. organization in giving better results in less time. I am growing some of moringa plants in my personnel garden.
jenny law


12 years ago

I disagree. Do your research Helen, and also try to experiment, Moringa does more good than harm. I have been feeding it to my daughter since she was 3 months old and have had only positive effects, for example Strong bones and teeth due to the vast amounts of calcium and other macro and micro elements.
As an athlete I consume vast amounts as it contains all 9essentail and 9 non--essential amino acids, the building blocks of protein, huge amounts of magnesium, great for good muscle and general immune health and so on....
Do your research Helen



8 years ago
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