Is it possible to design a standardized questionnaire for nutrition surveys whole country that can be used without being updated depending on the prevailing situation in the area you are doing the survey in. I am defeated to understand it because in survey preparations, we normally do consider heterogeneity in the area. Can this questionnaire then apply to every corner of the Country without being updated to suit your program needs. We have been doing surveys for long time in many areas but questionnaires used to be updated to fit into the context of the area. Can anyone with some views help. I will appreciate it. Anonymous.
Dear Anonymous 490, It depends on various factors. The main issue is what is the type and the purpose of the survey. Some questionnaires can be applied to every corner for example anthropometric, Immunization, mortality (CMR and U5MR), and morbidity (two weeks retrospective). The issue is when looking for the causal factors or the underline causes. For example the food security or livelihood questionnaire for pastoralist community possibly will not be the same to that of agrarian population. The same is true for displaced, refugee, or disaster affected (like flood,) and so on. So, my view is just to continue what you have been doing. Thanks


13 years ago
Dear Annonymous, I believe in your case it means that questionnaires that would apply to any given context without any modification. In my humble opinion it is quite hard to do so and when you do so at least two things happen. One-you will have a bulk of information to collect which compromises the quality of the survey you are conducting, and Two- You will end up collecting information that will not enable you to precisely determine the current nutritional status of the area you are surveying. Hence it is always best to adopt to the context (It also depends on your interest and objective as to why you are conducting the survey) yet having standard set of questionnaires for a population of one given geographical area and demographic profile rather than going for one fits it all approach, as your interest in Nutrition surveys is to determine the current nutritional status in a given community with the best precision and accuracy in order to prioritize response and/or inform decision making in emergency humanitarian responses.
Asfaw Addisu


13 years ago
From the questionner: Thanks Kiross, Sorry l didn't differentiate. l was surely talking about food security and WASH questionnaires. Your view is what l really had in mind but things turn to be different sometime, however, it is a matter of time before the event dawned on us here. thanks once again for the reply. Anonymous.
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


13 years ago
i want to review it.


12 years ago
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