Hello everyone
I am a Masters in Public Health student looking to conduct a thesis on the above topic (investigating the extent of Integration of nutrition interventions into health systems). I would like to be assisted in how to tackle this using secondary data. My main challenges are on the methodology and data analysis choices. I am thinking of using the Van Olmen framework but l dont know how to go about it in terms of the data needed.
Because this is secondary data analysis, which kind of review can l adopt, systematic or scoping review? Where can l access these documents? And what are the possible data collation and analysis ways? Is this possible at country level?
Using Secondary Data to Investigate Integration of Nutrition Interventions:
Methodology and Data Analysis:
The Van Olmen framework: This framework focuses on six building blocks of health systems: service delivery, financing, health workforce, information systems, leadership/governance, and supplies/technology. It's a good choice for analyzing the extent of integration by examining how well nutrition interventions are incorporated into each building block.
Data Needed:
For each building block, you'll need data on:
Policies and strategies: Look for national health policies, nutrition-specific plans, and documents describing how nutrition interventions are integrated into healthcare delivery.
Implementation reports: Search for reports by government agencies, NGOs, and international organizations that detail the implementation of nutrition interventions within the health system.
Surveys: Studies and reports focusing on health worker practices, service utilization, and resource allocation related to nutrition interventions.
Review Type:
Systematic review: Given your specific research question and focus on existing evidence, a systematic review is more appropriate. It involves a rigorous search strategy, critical appraisal of studies, and data synthesis for a comprehensive analysis.
Scoping review: If you aim to map the existing literature on the topic and identify key gaps, a scoping review could be suitable. It uses a broader search strategy and involves less stringent inclusion criteria compared to a systematic review.
Accessing Documents:
Databases: Search relevant databases like PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus for peer-reviewed studies.
Grey literature: Look for government reports, international organization publications, and NGO reports through websites, research repositories, and grey literature databases.
Country-specific resources: Explore websites of your country's Ministry of Health, nutritional institutes, and relevant NGOs for reports and documents.
Data Collection and Analysis:
Organize data: Create a data extraction form to capture relevant information from each source, including the building block it addresses, the type of intervention, and the level of integration described.
Analysis: Use descriptive statistics to summarize the data, identifying trends and patterns in the extent of integration across different building blocks and intervention types. You can also use qualitative methods to analyze the textual data, looking for themes and narratives around integration challenges and successes.
Country-level Analysis:
Yes, analyzing this at the country level is possible. By focusing on your specific country, you can:
Gain a deeper understanding of the context and specific challenges related to integrating nutrition into the health system.
Use readily available data sources from your country's health system, NGOs, and international organizations.
Contribute directly to policy recommendations and program improvement within your country.
Additional Tips:
Consult with your thesis advisor for guidance and feedback on your specific research question and chosen methodology.
Utilize search filters and keywords related to Van Olmen framework terms, nutrition interventions, and your chosen country.
Consider using software tools for systematic review management and data analysis when applicable.
By following these steps and adapting them to your specific research question and country context, you can effectively utilize secondary data analysis to investigate the integration of nutrition interventions into health systems.
11 months agoHi Sir/Madam,
My Name is Biruk Tadesse
Thank you for doing a nice research on investigating the extent of Integration of nutrition interventions into health systems. Which is really intersting.
Just to give you my comment and feedback from Ethiopian Perspective.
Nutrition is fandamentally multisectoral in nature. In our country we have integared nutrition as a key intervention area under the national health system. The Federal Ministry of Health and The Ethiopian Public Health Institute are primarly leading and coorinating the developmnetal and emergency nutrition aspects of the country respectively in collaboration with other governmenrt counter parts and supporting partners. The Ethiopian Public Health Institute also lead the national food and nutrition research wing as well. But it doesn't mean that other government sectors like Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission, ministry of Agriculture and many others are not working.
Just to focus on nutrition from health perspective
Ethiopia has been implementing the community based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM)
•It has been 23 years since the community-based management of acute malnutrition (CMAM) approach was shown to be cost-effective in treating child wasting.
•Until 2000, the management of Acute Malnutrition has been restricted to facility-based approaches, greatly limiting coverage.
•In response, the Community-Based Therapeutic Care (CTC) approach to the management of acute malnutrition was developed in 2001 and adopted in 2003.
•In 2008, it is scaled up countrywide and embedded in the routine health extension program (HEP)
Currently, the service is provided in more than 19,537 sites
Ø 17,309 outpatient therapeutic programs (OTPs);
Ø 2,228 stabilization centers (SCs) and
Ø 49 mobile health and nutrition team (MHNT) in Afar and Somali pastoralist regions.
Currently we have the following basic intervention areas under the health system in the country
. Chronic malnutrition
. Acute malnutrition
. Nutrition related chronic diseases
. Multisectoral Nutrition
. Emergency Nutrition
. Nutrition Research
We have strong decdenteralized health system at country level from national to district level with reporting system using DHIS2 reporting tools.
Therefore, I suggest Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis: A Health Care Perspective (Secondary Data)
11 months agoThank you for the responses, l now have a starting point for the research, Hopefully l will be able to publish if done well as l have noted that there is limited research in health policies pertaining to nutrition in the sub saharan Africa, yet we are doign a lot of good work
11 months ago