I am looking for the French version of FAO's MINIMUM DIETARY DIVERSITY FOR WOMEN An updated guide for measurement: from collection to action. Does one exist? So far, I've only seen reference to the fact that it will be translated soon.

Hi Kirk, we’re happy to share that the MDD-W guide in French is currently in production and will be published early next year. You can keep an eye on this page, and we’ll also put an announcement on ENN.

In case you’ haven’t seen it, we’ve also just released an MDD-W e-learning course (in English for now), and we will be releasing a few more resources in the next few months (FAQs, guidance on mixed dishes) (also in English).

I hope this is helpful – please let me know if you have any other questions.




1 year ago

Thanks, Simone. This is super helpful! Prior to learning about the e-course, I developed a training session for enumerators on MDD-W which I'm happy to share. It's consistent with the FAO eLearning course but I wouldn't want to confuse anyone with what we've developed.

On a related note, we are using FAO's instructions about how an events calendar can help determine date of birth of the child. That I know of, this resource only exists in French. We are in the midst of translating the guidance. We probably won't translate the whole document, given our need to train enumerators right away, but we are translating modules 3-7 (to French). I'm happy to share that document when it becomes available, most likely in the next few weeks.

Again, many thanks!




1 year ago

Good morning,

Does a similar module exist for minimum dietary diversity for children?




1 year ago
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