Dear community,

The MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience (MHIR) team in Niger is planning to conduct a pilot study on the integrated management of small and nutritionally at-risk infants under 6 months and their mothers (MAMI) care pathway in Niger. With the support and encouragement of the Direction of Nutrition of Niger, we would like to use this opportunity to align with the recently released 2023 WHO Guideline on the Prevention and Management of Wasting and Nutritional Oedema. To do so, we would like to use MUAC tapes with a cut-off at 110mm and would be grateful if any of you could help in accessing those: either newly printed MUAC tapes aligned with 2023 WHO guidelines; files for printing MUAC tapes aligned with 2023 WHO guidelines or old MUAC tapes with a cut-off at 110mm (red).

Any other suggestions would also be welcome. Many thanks for your usual support.


Hi Marlene - I'm not aware of anyone yet having updated artwork illustrating the new WHO guidance - although there is planning afoot. For now, you may want to use GOAL's older MAMI-MUAC design (that was created under Mark Myatt's guidance) that has been using 2 x cut offs for children 0-6wks (<110mm) and >=7wks - <6mths (<115mm). The artwork is available here: and could easily be modified, removing the reference to younger children and the 115mm cut off, but maintaining the 110mm cut-off and illustrating this relates to children 6wk - <6m. Re. production, we used to use a manufacturer in the UK called Ambroplastics, but their portfolio has been overtaken by We have worked with both to ensure the material is of adequate quality and meets the very specific guidance provided by Mark. This ensures the tapes are measuring the true MUAC of the child/PLW, rather than the external tape circumference (including the arm + material thickness), as this provides an incorrect, larger measure, misclassifying numerous children close to the cut-off as 'green', whereas they should have been classified as 'red' and at-risk. If you contact Sharon on: and quite Job No. AW50000014, this contains all info' re. the artwork (that can be modified), material specification (incl' thickness - very important) and machining. I would suggest you either ask for a proof to be shared that you can check, or if not viable, they will send high quality images and videos as an alternative. Happy for you to share these with me and I can look for any issues we've flagged with previous print runs (before getting it right).


1 year ago

Hi Marlene - I'm not aware of anyone yet having updated artwork illustrating the new WHO guidance - although there is planning afoot. For now, you may want to use GOAL's older MAMI-MUAC design (that was created under Mark Myatt's guidance) that has been using 2 x cut offs for children 0-6wks (<110mm) and >=7wks - <6mths (<115mm). The artwork is available here: and could easily be modified, removing the reference to younger children and the 115mm cut off, but maintaining the 110mm cut-off and illustrating this relates to children 6wk - <6m. Re. production, we used to use a manufacturer in the UK called Ambroplastics, but their portfolio has been overtaken by We have worked with both to ensure the material is of adequate quality and meets the very specific guidance provided by Mark. This ensures the tapes are measuring the true MUAC of the child/PLW, rather than the external tape circumference (including the arm + material thickness), as this provides an incorrect, larger measure, misclassifying numerous children close to the cut-off as 'green', whereas they should have been classified as 'red' and at-risk. If you contact Sharon on: and quite Job No. AW50000014, this contains all info' re. the artwork (that can be modified), material specification (incl' thickness - very important) and machining. I would suggest you either ask for a proof to be shared that you can check, or if not viable, they will send high quality images and videos as an alternative. Happy for you to share these with me and I can look for any issues we've flagged with previous print runs (before getting it right).


1 year ago

Hello Marlene,

Regarding the MUACs, if you are in Nigeria, please share your contact and send the MUAC model you are looking for and we will respond to you. We already have MUACS available in Nigeria.

Our phone number is + 220 9999 1357



1 year ago

Thanks for this  information, I carefully read this post.



1 year ago

Thanks for this  information,  I carefully read your post. 



1 year ago

Thanks for this  information, I carefully read your post.



1 year ago
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