Hi colleagues,

It has been raised that malnourished children, pregnant and lactation women should not be enrolled in Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program, but they should be enrolled after they are fully discharged from Nutrition Program. Is there any specific guidelines for that? Wheat Soya Blend is provided in Blanket Supplementary Feeding Program, whereas Wheat Soya Blend and RUSF, RUTF are used in the treatment program. 


What happens during emergencies is a blanket supplementary feeding (BSFP) is started (usually guided by the decision tool for emergencies [see below] which include the following factors: levels of acute malnutrition and caseload, risk of an increase in acute malnutrition, the capacity to screen and monitor that caseload using anthropometric criteria, available resources and access to the disaster-affected population).

You can use the BSFP as a platform to rapidly screen for MAM and SAM via MUAC and checking of oedema. Refer MAM and SAM to a TSFP or OTP respectively if available.

The WFP Food and Nutrition Handbook(2018) gives clear guidelines on how to plan and implement BSFP.

Ration for BSFP can be:

  • Fortified Blended Food e.g. Wheat Soya Blend (SuperCereal Plus or CSB++ for primary target groups of Children 6-23 months or SuperCereal for primary target group children above 5 years3 and Pregnant and Lactating Women ). Requires cooking for up to 10-15 minutes, therefore it is important to ensure that caregivers will have time for cooking, access to firewood / fuel, clean water, and utensils
  • Lipid-based Nutrient Supplements—Medium Quantity (LNS-MQ) e.g. E.g. eeZee50™, WawaMum, PlumpyDoz™ for primary target group of children 6-23 months. This is convenient for mobile population or those who do not have access to cooking supplies.

I have also implemented projects wherein RUSF like Plumpy Sup and high-energy biscuits were used.

You could also checkout the following references:

  • WFP Food and Nutrition Handbook(2018) (https://docs.wfp.org/api/documents/WFP-0000102101/download/)
  • Global Nutrition Cluster  Moderate Acute Malnutrition: A Decision Tool for Emergencies. (2017) (https://www.nutritioncluster.net/sites/nutritioncluster.com/files/2021-01/DECISION-TOOL-FOR-MAM_w-exceptional-cicumstances_-May-2017-update-final1.pdf)
  • UNHCR Operational Guidance on the use of Fortified Blended Foods in Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programmes (2011) (http://www.unhcr.org/5877589c7.pdf)
  • UNHCR and WFP Guidelines for Selective Feeding : The Management of Malnutrition in Emergencies (2009) (https://www.ennonline.net/attachments/1441/ogpaper(1).pdf)
  • Minimum standards in food security and nutrition (https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/sites/www.humanitarianresponse.info/files/documents/files/7.minimum-standards-in-food-secutity-and-nutrition.pdf)




2 years ago
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