Hello team, I have always received proper responses from this forum, I am very thankful to all the expert members here, 
May I know how do I monitor and assess the anthropometric measurements for maternal. We are conducting a cohort study where we will be assessing anthropometric measurements quarterly, we will be doing MUAC on maternal mothers followed by height and weight. Objective is to prevent LBW so their children born will also be assessed until 12th month.

Is WHO plus analyser workable for pregnant mothers? I have been using ENA to check the quality of under 5 but how do I check the quality of data in pregnant mothers, apologies for my lengthy question.

Thanks for the question. 

For MUAC measurement some of the check the quality check parameters are digit preference and standard deviation. We don’t have formal plausibility checks for adults since we don’t have z scores. You can check for rounding (digit preference in measurements). If you are doing repeated measurements, you can also check if second measurements are different from the first by an implausible value.



1 year ago
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