That would be great if someone could share any specific guideline of handover process of OTP center or Exit and Sustainability Strategy to respective stakeholders.

Thank you for the question.

I would say the key elements of hanidng over operation of feeding site include.  

1. Identifictaion of a speciifc individual who will take the responisbility,   Do not make it an ill defined team effort.  But rather person X will do it and what days. times and locations. 

2. Work with that person side by side in the clinical setting.  This is absolutely essential to traverse language barriers and very specifc operational problems.  Work for 2-4 days.  When you do this watch and instruct how to measure on the spot.

3. Follow-up after you leave to see if job is getting done.

4. Create a standard managaement manual with examples for the team to refer to.  Examples are little clinical vignettes

5. Create a record keeping system for food accountability.  It always goes missing.



2 years ago

Just to add to Marks points: for the lasting success it is crucial to assess the food (in)security of the household of the child. The Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) of the FAO ( is a tool to identify the need for support beyond the individual case management. 



2 years ago
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