I need to conduct exit interviews after a point of care testing intervention ( large scale cross sectional study) for anemia screening and treatment, what study methods best suited to determine factors of the intervention that affected compliance to program amd treatment.(a fully qualitative study is not feasible)

Hi Sarah, I have worked on CMAM studies where we have assessed compliance, but not on anaemia treatment studies.

In my work we have assessed compliance and its determinants by simply asking 'was there are problems taking the full dose?' if yes, 'what were those problem?' and then we list some common issues - forgot, negative side effects, other (you might want to do a rapid lit review to inform this)... and in the other, people can specify the exact issue.  

I asked a colleague about this issue and they also suggested assessing through recall for cross-sectional rapid surveys, see this paper: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30806358/

Hope that helps a little

Natasha Lelijveld


2 years ago
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