Last year ENN started a COVID-19 Learning Series that aimed to complement existing COVID-19 learning initiatives within the nutrition sector, capitalising on our rich network (i.e. you and all your contacts - thank you!) and focusing on field-level experiences of operating within the context of COVID-19. We wanted the series to contribute to a better understanding of the impact of COVID-19 on undernutrition and nutrition issues in local communities, as well as the challenges that COVID-19 presents for implementing nutrition services.

To make sure we were complementing, rather than replicating, existing learning efforts, we sent around a survey. Many of you participated, thank you. This survey was designed to collect information from our network on the topics that they felt were still underrepresented within available information and learning regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and nutrition programming/services in low- to middle- income countries. 

We have now published that survey, and the six other outputs that this survey shaped: 

  • We produced four case studies and a synthesis report, focusing on the role of entrepreneurs in supporting nutrition and health services during the pandemic.
  • We also produced a report on practitioners’ experiences of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the number and demographics of people accessing nutrition services in low- and middle-income countries. This was a qualitative synthesis of perspectives shared with us over several online interviews, representing organisations from across the world.

We hope that this learning series was useful in addressing a stated gap in knowledge.

We would love to hear how you found the resources, what we could do to imporve similar initiatives going forwards and what your organisation is doing on similar topics.

Please let us know in this disucssion space! Thank you

This forum has been archived. Questions and answers are for reference only.