Do we have a standard CMAM data quality assessment tool used at service delivery point?  


I will suggest to use some tool from SQUEAC package to data quality assessment

hope this helps

Franck ALE


3 years ago

I am not sure that I understand what you mean.

I have seen quality of care checklists that cover data collection used in CMAM programs. See this reference. The linked page has links to several related articles that you may find interesting.

I hope this is of some use.



Mark Myatt


3 years ago


The question is not clear

If the question is about data registration and followup (survelance tools), then the country specific the Ministry of Health and UNICEF country level recommended formats are used for local community data records and the UNHCR health information system for refugee population. Additionally, NGOs uses own data collection/monitoring tools (hardwares or softwares), don't forget that the performances are tringulated with the Sphere minimum standards (indicators) for the CMAM program in a given context. 

If the question is regarding the overall performance of CMAM program in your project, then colleagues suggestions works. 

Best regards

Samuel T

Samuel Tadesse


3 years ago

Thanks Frank, Mark and Samuel. Yes, I am looking for somekind of a data quality checklist at  service delivery point. I will go over these references. 

Thank you again!

Frederich Christian Tan


3 years ago

You could also use some of the  data quality tools developed by SMART and NIPN for use in surveys.

Mark Myatt


3 years ago
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