Hello everyone

I want to know if anyone has, or can help with, standard or standardized operating procedures for the implementation of breastfeeding corners.

We are in the process of implementing in the DRC a multisectoral WASH, IPC, HEALTH and CMAM project with a particular emphasis on the feeding of infants and young children in emergency situations (which constitutes the main component and makes up the largest volume of project activities)

We really count on your contributions to enrich what we have already started to do.

Thank you for your contributions

Hello, Action Against Hunger produced a Baby-Friendly spaces manual in 2014 that you can find here.

It is also available in French.

Good luck



2 years ago

Dear Emmanuel, 

In 2020 the following Technical Brief on Supportive Spaces for IYCF-E , including breastfeeding corners, was released by the GNC Technical Alliance (ex-GTAM). 

On pages 14 and 15 you will find a list of related technical resources, such as the ACF guide already mentioned by Alexandra. 

Lastly, with support from the GNC Technical Alliance Technical Support Team, the Haiti IYCF-E TWG recently worked on updating their guidance. This may be useful for you as it is in French - I will get in touch with my colleague to see if they are able to update you on the document's progress. 

All the best with your project 




2 years ago

Dear all, Isabelle

I would be really interest to see the new work done in Haiti on the subject, so I just commenting to be sure to not miss the update when you will share! Thanks a lot


Chantal Autotte Bouchard


2 years ago

Hi Emmanuel

In Haiti, there is a National Directive on IYCF-E Spaces, called Points pour Conseil en Nutrition pour Babies (PCNB) which had been developed since 2010 and which we have updated in the frame of a deployment through the GNC Technical Alliance in October 2021, currently under validation at country level. This update was based on the GTAM document that Isabelle shared above and on other documents from ACF (Shared by Alexandra) and World Vision.

Pending the approval of the Guidelines at the national level, here is a PowePoint presentation that we have prepared for an IYCF-E orientation session for Haiti and which you might find useful.



2 years ago
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