I'm looking for examples of national level BMS/Code Violation monitoring systems, how they were established and function, who manages them etc.  Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks!

HI Alisson

great question......I think a difficult one.....I would say on top of my mind the monitoring of the IMS Code in India is certainly an example of the great role that civil society (IBFAN and BPNI India and others) have in the monitoring of the Code and ensuring Government is accountable for the IMS enforcement;

I would also think that countries like the Philippines, Viet Nam and Cambodia have some important experiences to share when setting up BMS Monitoring Systems with Governments leading the process and civil society supporting the monitoring. 

Another example that I know a little of is Mexico and Brazil but again is all because of the civil society groups like iBFAN in those countries that are ensuring close monitoring and calling their respective governments to enforce the national regulations and laws

Alessandro Iellamo


2 years ago

Thanks Alex, this is very helpful. I'll have a look at these examples.

Alison Donnelly


2 years ago
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