Has anybody got material for breastfeeding group sessions?

In our project in Herat, Afghanistan, we are planning to start with group sessions to support the mothers in breastfeeding and forward general women/children related health messages.

I am happy for any input! Thanks, Anna

Hi Anna!

Good to hear this. The material you will need to select will depend upon who is your target audience (mothers literacy and backgrounds to be considered) and how many sessions you are planning (hours/day).

We have simplified and adapted relevant information from the WHO and UNICEF's breastfeeding counselling (40 hours) and infant and young child feeding counselling courses for training our peer counsellors. You can do the same for your mother support groups.

Please email me if you need further information. rukhsana.haider@gmail.com

Good Luck!



3 years ago

Hi Anna,

UNICEF is supporting community based nutrition counselling through CHWs/volunteers in Herat through the NGO BDN. We also have adapted the COVID-19 IYCF counseling cards into Dari and Pashto. 

You can email me at sfuhrman@unicef.org for more information.


Suzanne Fuhrman


3 years ago

Dear Anna,

What kind of group sessions are you planning to conduct? E.g. group education, action-oriented groups, mother-to-mother support groups?

All these methodologies are mentioned in the Operational Guidance for Afghanistan's MIYCN Stratetegy 2019 - 2023. The same operational guidance contains several job aids (e..g Educational group sessions guide, Support group session facilitation guide)  which may be of use to you.

All the best,


Isabelle Modigell


3 years ago

Dear Isabelle,

MSF is supporting the Herat Regional Hospital and we are planning these group sessions with the mothers of admitted children in ITFC. The sessions will be conducted by HPs and the focus is on breastfeeding support and having a sustainable way to pass health messages.

Maybe you can send me the mentioned material?

You can also email me to: msf-herat-lactation@msf.org

Thanks in advance! Anna

Anna Bexten


3 years ago

Hi Anna

You can find some resources in Dari at https://www.breastfeeding.asn.au/bf-info/other-languages?fbclid=IwAR0uEXXACyIshKeQV8dvmRIVRcIeIFPIU9jfMl_uLRabutulk9hxttN-Qb8 

Not sure if that's a language used in Herat.

I find ABA's resources are excellent, up-to-date, very mother friendly and easy to adapt to the situation you're in.

Good luck with it.


Bindi Borg


3 years ago
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