NEW Updates on Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition and COVID-19 - scientific journal articles –  17 September 2020

Dear Colleagues, we just updated this repository which comes out every week. Since Thursday September 10th, we added almost 130 NEW publications. As you know, all new publications provide research-related findings on COVID-19 and CHILD health (from neonates to adolescents) and MATERNAL health (especially, but not exclusively, pregnancy-related issues), INFANT AND BREASTFEEDING and NUTRITION.

Please visit this site:

CLICK on SEPTEMBER, AUGUST, or JULY or  any other month on the right side of the webpage

We need your help to disseminate this repository to the many research workers, health practitioners, policymakers, nutritionists, etc. who have less access to the scientific papers that come out. Please forward this email to them or provide me with some suggestions. We think this repository will still benefit a larger audience.

We also have a Specific repository only on COVID-19, Breastfeeding, Infant Feeding, and Breast Milk. The next update for that is 18 September. We will not send out any specific notification on this. Just check the website.

Lastly, we want to stress that it is easy to find the publication of your interest by just using the search option in the ‘month file’ and type in your topic of interest (using Ctrl F keys).

Happy reading!

Mija Ververs

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