Dear colleagues,

I was recently asked what considerations might be needed to undertake a SMART nutrition survey in the context of COVID-19. After searching online I failed to find any recent documents on this issue.

Could people kindly share any guidelines developed for undertaking nutrition surveys in the context of COVID-19. Field experiencies would also be very enlightening for us to learn as the pandemic continues to develop.

I thank you all in advance for your attention to my request.

with kind regards,


Dear Carlos,

Have you checked the Global technical Assistance Mechanism for Nutrition website ? The second brief of the Nutrition Information System group about the adaptations to Covid-19 might answer some of your questions:Find the second brief here.

The current recommendations indicates to still avoid as much as possible to conduct nutrition surveys: "In line with global recommendations on curbing the spread of COVID-19, it is recommended to continue to suspend all primary data collection activities (i.e. population-based surveys e.g SMART, MICS, DHS, etc, and mass screenings) involving in-person contact, unless deemed essential after critically weighing harms and benefits and until operational guidance on minimum criteria to restart population-based surveys is released. Even when mobility restrictions have been lifted and governments deem it safe to proceed with primary data collection activities, key ethical issues in relation to undertaking evidence generation in the context of COVID-19 should be considered."

Hope this helps in knowing where to find the last updates.

Kind Regards,



4 years ago

Dear Alexandra,

Thank you for the link to that second brief. It is very useful and I think it is what my colleagues were looking for.

With kind regards.


Carlos Grijalva-Eternod


4 years ago
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