Request for Case Studies on the Management of Wasting in the Context of COVID 19

Deadline for submissions - Wednesday 16th July

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UNICEF and WHO will shortly release guidance on Prevention and Treatment of Wasting in Children 0-59 Months through National Health Systems in the Context of COVID-19. The purpose of this document is to serve as a tool for implementing recommendations reflected in existing WHO and UNICEF guidance on the delivery of services through national health systems to prevent and treat child wasting in the context of COVID-19. This note reflects broad recommendations for all levels of the health system including community health services that offer prevention and treatment services for child wasting. 

WHO and UNICEF recognize that context-specific adaptations to these recommendations will be necessary depending on transmission levels, population mobility restrictions, resources and other national public health measures to respond to and mitigate the effects of the pandemic across different countries. In doing so, it offers specific examples of programmatic changes or adaptations that may be temporarily introduced to ensure continuity and the safety of prevention and treatment services. Although child wasting is significantly impacted by poor levels of food security, and for many food insecure populations food-assistance programmes are critical to prevention efforts, these services and their delivery in the context of COVID-19 are addressed in other guidance notes. 

To support uptake of the guidance, the Tech RRT, WHO, UNICEF and the Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN) will host a webinar on 6th August 2020 to orient partners on the new guidance and to explore relevant implementation experiences. We are seeking two case studies for presentation on the webinar to cover two dimensions*:

Case study 1: Where the modalities for delivering existing (pre-COVID 19) wasting services have been sustained (including how was this achieved, measures taken, what capacity and resources were needed, any impact on access or uptake of services, any impact on nutrition outcomes documented or being captured, qualitative feedback)

Case study 2: Where the modalities for delivering existing (pre-COVID 19) wasting services have been adapted including new types of service (what adaptations were made and why, measures taken what capacity and resources were needed, any impact on access or uptake of services, any impact on nutrition outcomes documented or being captured, plans/triggers to revert back to routine service delivery)

*It may be the case that some experiences cover both dimensions, (i.e. have sustained some elements of the service but had to adapt other aspects. Please include details of both; we may reconfigure the scope of a given case study to capture both aspects.)

The presentation format will be a 15 mins facilitated questions and answers session.  The questions and answers will be prepared with the organising team in advance.  We particularly encourage a national presenter and welcome co-presentation (max two presenters) for the facilitated conversation.

For those case studies we receive that are not selected for presentation, there is potential to document and share them with ENN support (as written article, podcast, Q&A).  ENN will follow up with prospects we identify from the case studies submitted. Below is the form for submissions.

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