How can we manage mass gatherings such as during TSFP distribution and precautions in the context of COVID-19? 

The IASC Food Distribution Guidance provides practical guidance on managing distributions. Some key points from this guidance are:
- Establish a reception point, identity verification point, collection point and exit to channel traffic and allow for personal space of at least 1-2 meter between each beneficiary.
- Organise and clearly mark allocated spaces at the distribution site
- Set up a hand washing area with an adequate supply of hand wash solution and minimal manual contact during the handwashing process.
- Ensure that the waiting area is spacious enough to allow beneficiaries to sit/stand at least 1-2 meter apart from each other.
- Organise rations ahead of the scheduled distribution so they can be quickly distributed
- Instruct beneficiaries to a maintain 1-2 metre distance from each other throughout the distribution process.
- Cordon off (with a rope or tape) a 1-2-meter radius around the desk at the collection point.
- Facilitate individual health screening:
- If a beneficiary is detected to have a fever or shows flu-like symptoms, direct them to the specified sheltered/covered area for a follow up by a government approved healthcare official/worker;
- Inform/assure beneficiaries that do not get cleared at the health screening / temperature check areas that they will receive rations irrespective of the results of the screening.



4 years ago
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