
I am currently planning a study at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, where I will look at the recommendations for at-risk mothers and infants <6 months and disabled children in national and international malnutrition guidelines. I specifically want to see how widely the 2013 WHO malnutrition guideline recommendations were implemented in national protocols, and identify possible barriers for implementation. 

The study will initially be used as my MSc thesis, with a following aim to publish to inform future rounds of guideline development. 

For this purpose, I am trying to access as many current national and international protocols on SAM/CMAM/IMAM as possible and am hoping to find some via this channel as well. The compilation of guidelines/protocols we already have and those still missing can be found here. Please do take a look, if you are able to provide any additional ones or have a newer version than the ones on the list I would greatly appreciate if you could share it with me via email (lsh385537@student.lshtm.ac.uk) or as a response to this post. 

Thank you so much for your time, 

best regards, 

Magdalena Engl

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