According to the study result, conducted by researchers from Maastricht university and Canisius-Wilhelmina Hospital, Nigemem city, Netherland.

There is the link between low vitamin K status with worse outcomes of Covid-19 patients

According to the researchers, vitamin K2 activate MGP (Matrix Gal protein), which plays the role in the pathogenesis of lung fibrosis.

A recent study shows that the covid-19 patient with low level of vitamin K have severe outcomes as compared to the patient with normal levels of vitamin K.

I think we should give importance to this study. Yes, these are just the preliminary results, but they have the logic.

The nutritionist can guide the covid-19 patients, how to add vitamin k in their balanced diet naturally to avoid its deficiency.

Vitamin K levels of severe covid-19 patient should be checked to avoid the bad situation. This may save the lives of some patients.

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