protocol 2 pager_23 April 2020.pdf

This 2-pager describes a simplified protocol tested by the International Rescue Committee and Action Against Hunger. The protocol was developed based on a series of evidence-based protocols that combine and simplify standard OTP and TSFP treatment protocols for uncomplicated severe and moderate wasting. Admission, progress and discharge are based on oedema and MUAC as the only anthropometry criteria and children are treated using a reduced dosage of 2 or 1 sachets of RUTF per day.

In the context of COVID-19, a simplified approach can protect health workers from direct contact with patients by adapting MUAC assessment to a caregiver-led no touch policy, can eliminate the need for separate treatment products, and enable better continuity of care. The approach can also be implemented by community health workers who are trained and equipped to provide treatment in the community—relieving burden on health facilities and reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission between patients.

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