Dear all, 

Just to flag that there are now a host of resources available on a variety of topics concerning COVID-19 and nutrition.

ENN is endeavouring to keep a resources page updated to highlight key publications here

The United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) has also dedicated a page to signposting new resources:

The Global Nutrition Cluster and Food Security Cluster pages provide useful sources for new updates:

Please feel free to alert others to important new resources here and also check the links to pages (above) if you are looking for a specific piece of guidance. 

Several briefs are being updated on a rolling basis, so please check you have the latest versions. 

Best wishes,


Just highlighting the latest of the series of UNICEF/GTAM/GNC COVID-19 briefs - Protecting Maternal Diets and Nutrition Services and Practices in the Context of COVID-19

Available on ENN and GNC websites.

Tanya Khara
Forum Moderator


4 years ago
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