Dear all, 

We would like to learn more about the MUAC assessment of 6-59 months children at family levels considering Covid-19 context as well as lockdown situation. I have heard about family MUAC approach that Family members can do the MUAC assessment of their 6-59 months children and can find acutemalnutrition and refer to the OTCs. Therefore, I want to learn more about this family MUAC approach from different country how they have been able to implement the approach. 

Tech RRT held a webinar on Child wasting programming in response and preparation to the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences from the field on 9th April 2020.  James Njiru, Save the Children Nutrition Specialist in Kenya spoke about their use of the Family MUAC programming experiences there which might be helpful.  While the enitre webinar is really helpful his specific presentation begins at minute 38.  Family MUAC was also touched on in the Q&A at the end.

The webinar can be found here:

That might have some helpful information if you've not seen the webinar yet.



4 years ago

Family/Mother-led MUAC Family/Mother-led mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening is an approach where caregivers are trained to screen for acute malnutrition in their children by measuring MUAC and testing for oedema. Involving caregiver in nutrition screening activities recognises that they are well-placed to identify early signs of malnutrition and reinforces their role in protecting and promoting their child’s health. Trials of this method have found mother/family-led screening to be non-inferior to Community health worker screening.   

Two papers on the effectiveness of this approach are:

  1. Alé FGB, Phelan KPQ et al (2016). Mothers screening for malnutrition by mid-upper arm circumference is non-inferior to community health workers: results from a large-scale pragmatic trial in rural Niger. Archives of Public Health. Blackwell N et al (2015).
  2. Mothers understand and can do it: a comparison of mothers and community health workers determining mid-upper arm circumference in 102 children aged from 6 months to 5 years. Archives of Public Health


4 years ago
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