Dear colleagues,

World Vision is currently working on adaptations to Growth Monitoring and Promotion (GMP) programming in light of COVID-19 and we were wondering if anyone is aware of any resources or case studies/experiences around this topic from their organization. It'd be great if you could share if you do. Thank you!


Dear Diane,

For  information, some WHO guidance on IPC measures that would also be relevant for GMP programming.

Advice on use of PPE and IPC measures are included on pages 10, 13, and 14 of the community guidance

WHO released a new interim guidance on the cleaning and disinfection of surfaces:   The guidance just released includes advice in the context of iCCM also related to IPC measures on pages 24-25 summarized in Table in page 26.

“High-touch surfaces to be disinfected after each patient visit”. “Environmental surfaces in health-care settings include furniture and other fixed items inside and outside of patient rooms and bathrooms, such as tables, chairs, walls, light switches and computer peripherals, electronic equipment, sinks, toilets as well as the surfaces of non-critical medical equipment, such as blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, wheelchairs and incubators”.

No specific mention of other medical equipment as scales, length/height boards or MUAC. However, based on this,  we can recommend to disinfect the equipment after each use.



4 years ago

Hi Zita,

Thank you for sharing! These are definitely still helpful because it's important to sanitize all the equipment used to measure anthros of children.

We found it very difficult to find resources specifically for how to conduct nutrition screenings of children during this COVID19 context so World Vision developed a guidance on how to adapt GMP to the COVID19 context. We are in the process of finalizing the Technical Brief so I will share it with the group once it is available.


Diane Baik


4 years ago

Hi Diane,

Is the technical guidance finalized and able to be shared?

Savanna Henderson


4 years ago


Yes, it's been published. You could find it here: 


Diane Baik


4 years ago
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