
We invite you share an online survey for a rapid response study of how the COVID-19 pandemic may be impacting infant feeding practices.

This study is being conducted by infant feeding researchers at Washington University of St. Louis (USA), University of North Carolina Chapel Hill (USA), and Johns Hopkins University (USA).

Mothers who are currently breastfeeding, using expressed human milk, and/ or formula feeding an infant less than two (0-2) years of age are eligible to participate. It is only available online and in English at this time.

The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. After completing the initial survey, participants have the option to provide an email address for a follow-up survey in 6 weeks.

The survey may be found at :

Enquiries to the research team may be directed to: Dr. Elizabeth (EA) Quinn at or Dr. Aunchalee Palmquist at You may contact the Human Research Protection Office at +1-(800)-438-0445 or This study was approved by the Human Research Protection Office at Washington University in St. Louis, IRB # 202003141.

Many thanks!

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