¿Establish community health workers in the treatment of malnutrition? I think this is a fundamental action within the framework of COVID-19.
Malnutrition is managed by community health workers. In each health center there are 2 to 3 community workers who carry out the activities. Within the framework of COVID-19 these community agents are trained on preventive measures, currently they are in the community trying to sensitize the communities to respect these measures.
4 years agoWe intend to start using the same CHW to mobilize communities on COVID-19 prevention. can you share your experience on what preventive measurements (eg. type of PPE provided, hygiene facilities, spacing arrangements, crowding limitations, HH counselling) are in place to reduce risk contamination of those field implementers?
4 years agoWHO have now produced guidance on 'Community-based health care, including outreach and campaigns,in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic' which I think you may find helpful in answering some of the questions posed. https://www.who.int/publications-detail/community-based-health-care-including-outreach-and-campaigns-in-the-context-of-the-covid-19-pandemic
4 years ago