
Has anyone on this platform examined the relationship between an index of infants and young child feeding practices and child anthropometric outcomes? How do you explain the fact that, for example, in regression models, the summary is associated with H/LAZ or WAZ but the association between most of its components and these anthropometric measurements is lacking?

Any insights will be appreciated.

Thank you.


Regression cannot take into account that mothers make some infant feeding decisions based on how well the child is doing. Large healthy children are likely to get breast fed less for example. Marquis et al showed this in an elegant study in Peru: Marquis GS, Habicht JP, Lanata CF, Black RE, Rasmussen KM. Association of breastfeeding and stunting in Peruvian toddlers: an example of reverse causality. International journal of epidemiology. 1997 Apr 1;26(2):349-56.



5 years ago

Dear Ted Greiner,

Thank you for the insights and for sharing the article.

I appreciate.




5 years ago
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