Many pregnant and lactating women (PLW) are included in some kind of nutritional programme from NGOs (sometimes SFPs). The following questions refer to PLW that may or may not be moderately acute malnourished and live in (semi-) food insecure areas in Africa or Asia. A: Pregnant Women A1. what food or nutriset product would you think is best for them (assuming that they receive iron and folate supplementation)? A2. what food or nutriset product would you think is best for them (assuming that they receive multi-micronutrient supplementation (which includes iron/folate))? B: Lactating Women B1. what food or nutriset product would you think is best for them (assuming that they do not receive any micro-nutrient supplementation)? B2. what food or nutriset product would you think is best for them (assuming that they receive multi-micronutrient supplementation (which includes iron/folate))? Note: Please take, if possible, into account their recommended daily intakes (as formulated by IOM, FAO/WHO). C: Both PLW C1. did you ever calculate or estimate their diets in terms of macro- and micro nutrients (based on 'average' consumption of food in (semi-) food insecure African or Asian countries)? Could you share that information? Thanks so much for your expertise. These are really difficult questions and I am sure amongst you there are some nutritionists that have well studied the diets of PLW and have in the past come up with some good (rational) advice. Mija
This question has no set of expert recommendations to draw upon. I believe that if we do our best to provide the required amounts of nutrients, we are doing our best. My opinion as to what supplementary food is best for pregnant women in a food insecure situation, but not underweight (by MUAC or BMI), 1. if there are population data that micronutrient consumption is inadequate then a complete micronutrient supplement is given (multivitamins and minerals). Double dosing with iron should be avoided, particularly in malarious regions. I may be able to offer some literature regarding dietary intake of PLW in a few days and I can forward them to you. Mija, send me your e-mail address.
Mark Manary
Technical Expert


13 years ago
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