I would like to bring to your attention the opportunity to contribute to the online public consultation for the draft of the Global Action Plan (GAP) on child wasting. Please note that the deadline for contributions is 9 February 2020 23.59hrs CET. 


The draft was put together by FAO, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP and WHO to develop a common vision of what it will take to achieve the WHA and SDG targets on wasting reduction, as well as actions to increase coverage of treatment services. The plan is to have the endorsed GAP, along with immediate UN actions to support it, publicly available in early March 2020. Discussions to identify commitments and actions by governments and other key stakeholders will continue throughout 2020, with the aim to release the action plan at the Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, to be held in December 2020.

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


4 years ago

The fight against malnutrition remains a real burden for developing countries. In most Developing Countries, multisectorality has existed and still exists, but the problem of malnutrition persists. In this multisectoriality, each structure seeks to fill its personal indicators rather than to work for the improvement of the common result. The case of several countries (Miabi Health Zone, DR Congo with several partners for 11% of malnourished children, Ivory Coast) is palpable.

Faced with this situation, we recommend intersectorality where each structure acts according to the objectives of the other in order to achieve the common result for the well-being of all.



4 years ago

Malnutrition is a not-so-silent emergency across the globe; despite the largest child development programme in the world, the progress on malnutrition is yet limited. The problem of undernutrition in children is of serious concern, posing challenges to meet the targeted sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2025. High rate of urbanization poses a significant challenge to the nutrition status of children, especially those living in urban slums or in poor regions which are not registered as slums. With effect of urbanization, there is not only the problem of undernutrition in urban poor but also coexist an emerging problem of overnutrition in the same section of the population, with serious implications on health and risk of non-communicable diseases during adulthood.

World-wide growth faltering analysis using WHO standards stress the significance of prenatal and early life interventions to prevent the growth failure happening mainly during the first two years of life (Onis et al, 2006). There is a need to concentrate on the “critical window from conception to 24 months of age” for targeting interventions (Gragnolati et al, 2005; Black et al, 2008). It has been proposed that intensive timely actions concentrate on population group “at risk” of undernutrition such as pregnant mothers and children below 12 months, reaching through primary health care system. It has also been emphasised that any delay beyond infancy, may be too late for effective prevention of under nutrition in children (Vir, 2001).

Although some progress has been made in reducing undernutrition of children, national and regional efforts to improve child growth need to continue and should not be overshadowed by other rising problems.

Dr Richa Malik


4 years ago
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