
I am exploring whether oil-seeds cakes after extraction of oils can be used for human consumption.  I could find very little information online.  Most of the current use of cake is for animal feed.  I would appreciate any suggestion or useful references.

many thanks

Use of oil seed cake for human consumption.......reference groundnut (peanut) cake.

oil seed cakes are highly consumable by humans as long as the oil extraction process was free from harmful substances or preservatives etc. Residual processing chemical is entirely out of question even for animals' consumption. Peanut oil cake is extensively used in Nigeria's diverse cuisines. Especially the tradtionally processed oil that is free from clarifiers, de-odourizers and all. The cake is further fried in the obtained oil to give the oil required peanut aroma and authenticity most essential for marketing. The cake is prepared as small gravel-like pellets (kulikuli) that can be further processed into powder with added spices and seasoning. Kulikuli is consumed in various forms in many local recipes such as barbeque seasoning, for dusting or applied in paste form. Non seasoned kulikuli is used in vegetable soups as well as in preparation of sweet porridge and local confectionaries. Peanut oil cake is rich in fat, protein, vitamins, minerals as found in peanuts.  



5 years ago

Thanks very much for your response.  How about the anti nutrient factors such as protease inhibitors and lectin. Do they not get concentrated in the cakes? Or does the oil extraction process destroy them?



5 years ago

There appears to be absence of antinutritional factors and lectin is destroyed by moist heat, like when frying the cake in its oil. This reference should take you further down the subject......www.feedipedia.org/node/699[08/12/2016  18:04:09] 




5 years ago

many thanks



5 years ago

Our pleasure



5 years ago

Hi!  sorry getting back to you again.  How about aflatoxins contents in soyameal?  Does it get concentrated than un processed soyabeans?  How does the oil extration process affect aflatoxins?



5 years ago

By extrusion of soybean before oil extraction the urase activity and tripsin are definitely controlled,



4 years ago


I am From SAHARA OIL MILL Manufacturing company of Groundnut Oil and Groundnut Cake i dally make 5Ton So what should I do, I am hoping for some advice My Contact number +916351051151 Mail:-deraiya747@gmail.com



1 year ago
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