A question on counting PLW beneficiaries admitted to a TSFP for acute malnutrition (MUAC <230 mm). 

If a pregnant woman is admitted to the TSFP and delivers while she is still part of the programme, how do we "count" her post-delivery, now that she is now considered lactating?

i) Do we count her as a new admission, under "lactating" (which essentially counts the same woman twice)?

ii) Do we count her as a transfer (which is usually reserved for transfers between TSFPs?

iii) Do we count her as a readmission (reserved for previously discharged cases who now meet the criteria again)?

Or is there another way to count them?

Counting can be much harder than expected!

I think  your example beneficiary moves from "pregnant" to "lactating" and is a new legitimate admission only if she is breastfeeding the new baby. The same woman is counted twice. We should avoid doing that. You may want to use a new "readmitted" or "previous admission" or "readmitted / transferred / retained PLW to LW" category for such admissions just as we have for "returned from SC" and "returned defaulter" and "returned after relapse" in OTP so we know that we have a readmission rather than new admission. What are others doing?

I hope this is of some use.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


5 years ago

In my opinion,

1. I think the final information here is the admission rate per target, that says how many women were enrolled in the programme as pregnant, and how many as breastfeeding. Following the admission status, the woman begins to breastfeed the baby once already in the programme, then in my opinion she continues to be monitored simply according to her status at the entry, as a pregnant woman.

2. Second option: take the pregnant woman out as an internal transfer and readmit her as a transfer (not very good in my opinion).

However, if the data to be used is not intended to measure the admission rate of pregnant women differently from breastfeeding women, there is no need to make a registration movement.



5 years ago
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