
How do you calculate the prevalence of MAM and SAM following community screening of acute malnutrition with MUAC (PB).

Thank you in advance to all



Prevalence is firstly, the number of old and new cases

You need to take the number of cases of MAM and / or SAM obtained from screening and divide by the population of 6-59 months (or target of your protocol) affected by the problem. Then convert to %.

If I'm not mistaken.

Thank you



5 years ago

I think you need to think about:

(1) CASE DEFINITIONS : I think you should use the following case-definitions:

    GAM : MUAC < 125 OR oedema
    MAM : 115 <= MUAC < 125 without oedema
    SAM : MUAC < 115 OR oedema

(2) ESTIMATOR : If you have a lot of measurements then a classic estimator (i.e. cases / number screened) will work well. Smaller numbers might need PROBIT or classifications of prevalence using LQAS or similar.

Be aware that screening exercises are NOT surveys and that inclusion of a child can be subject to a number of selection biases particularly when central location screening is used. I think you need to be clear about methods and not pass your work off as a probability sample survey.

I hope this is of some use.



5 years ago
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