Good evening, could someone share with us experience on the identification and selection of local elected representatives and champion in nutrition as part of SUN activities (Scaling Up Nutrition). What is the approach and the process? What are the selection criteria or parameters to be considered?
Thank you
Strong and committed leadership is important for any successful initiative aimed to develop communities in any aspect. Community leaders commitment can be further nurtured, nurtured, enhanced and sustained through recognition and motivation. How this should be done depends on each community and can be helped with advocacy and guidance on the benefits that can be derived from a small investment.
I do not have much experience doing this for nutrition but have been involved in organizing and reinforcing group support for potential catalytic agents who stand out and are likely to bring about the much needed positive change at the community or higher levels of society. There is a lot of information that I find helpful on the IFPRI website [ I have used information from this to advocate to initiate the selection of Champions for social and development work at the community or other higher levels. I hope this helps. Please do let me know if you have further questions.
6 years ago