Buenas noches. En Colombia todavía existen 11 Centros de Recuperación Nutricional, que admite casos de desnutrición aguda moderada o severa, en los cuales el niño permanece día y noche al cuidado de médicos y enfermeras, y son tratados según las directrices de OMS adoptadas y adaptadas a través del lineamiento para el manejo de la desnutrición aguda del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social.
El hecho de que estén bajo estricta vigilancia, con acceso a alimentación terapéutica y no terapéutica, con baja prevalencia de VIH, podrá permitirnos evitar el uso rutinario de amoxicilina en con pacientes SAM y en esta modalidad de tratamiento intramural?

In Colombia there are still 11 Nutritional Recovery Centers, which admit cases of moderate or severe acute malnutrition, in which the child remains day and night in the care of doctors and nurses, treated according to WHO guidelines adopted and adapted through the guidelines for the management of acute malnutrition of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

Would the fact that they are under strict surveillance, with access to therapeutic and non-therapeutic feeding, with low prevalence of HIV, allow us to avoid the routine use of amoxicillin in SAM patients and in this modality of intramural treatment?

I think you should still use Amoxicillin since malnourished children's Immunity is low and susceptibility high. Coupled with this is cross infection from hospital environment.

Abdikader Ahmed


5 years ago

Buenas noches Senor Rivadeneira,

Me gustaria hablar con usted. Seria posible comunicarse por correo electronico (caroline.andre@hotmail.com)?

Atte, Caroline




Caroline André


5 years ago

Dear Caroline,

If you have some experience or thoughts to share in response to the question it would be useful if you could share them here with the wider group in the first place.

Many thanks,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


5 years ago
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