Dear all,

We have a plan to conduct SQUEAC coverage survey in one of refugee camp to estimate the responses coverage and to identify the services Boosters and Barriers.
The program is using MUAC and WFH Z score to identify eligible cases, with the following cutoff points for SAM and MAM. SAM: either of MUAC<115mm and WFH<-3z score and any grade of bilateral pitting edema. MAM: either of MUAC ≥115 mm - <125mm and WFH ≥-3Zscore - <-2z score, and no bilateral pitting edema.
Using community volunteers, there is active case finding, and these volunteers use only MUAC, not WFH. So, any child identified <125mm by community volunteers at outreach level, has been referred to nutrition centers to be enrolled to the program.
For such program implementation context, where MUAC and WFH is used to identify and to monitor cases, now my questions are:
1. Is it important to analysis the routine monitoring data based on the following desegregation:
1.1. Median MUAC during admission and discharge only for those admitted by MUAC (not malnourished by WFH),

1.2. WFH during discharge and admission only for those admitted by WFH ( but could be malnourished by MUAC),

1.3. Calculating program performance indicators (RR, Defaulter rate, death rate and others) separately for those admitted and discharged by MUAC and/or WFH.

In short, knowing if there is, program performance difference of MUAC and WFH (like to be cured, to be defaulter, Length of stay (for both to be cured and defaulter), age, and others), will help us to understand better about the services BBs?

With best regards,

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