Hello friends, can anyone tell me what has happened since the Save the Children led CMAM report project finished in 2015? Is it still used??

Hi Vicky - I know Save the Children has been using it as internal reporting tool for their CMAM Progrmmes across many countries including Ethiopia. They were also trying to involve other INGOs like GOAL. They are working on additional developments particularly in making it more user friendly. You can reach out Save the Children UK team for more info ( that would be more helpful ). Send me your email at sinksars@yahoo.com so that will link you with the right people .




5 years ago

Thanks Sinksar and Vicky!

Just to support Sinksar's point, CMAM Report is still very much in use with 7 agencies using the tool in 11 countries, and around 175 active users. The software and all supporting materials can be accessed here: http://www.cmamreport.com/

If any individuals or agencies would like more information or are interested in using the tool please do be in touch here: CMAMReport@savethechildren.org.uk and you can see a short intro video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WGSp58UM_E

Save the Children is still supporting the software, but we don't have additional funding for more significant development of the software at this stage, but are always keen to get feedback from users on how the system could be improved. We're also thinking through longer term options for CMAM Report so it can be most relevant and useful for its user so would welcome feedback on that too.

Many Thanks,


Emily Keane


5 years ago

Thanks very much Emily and Sinksar, that's really helpful. So glad to hear it's still being used so widely and is still relevant and useful,
Best wishes

Victoria Sibson


5 years ago
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