Can anyone point me in the direction of any research/evaluations on the effectiveness of providing WSB and oil to treat acute malnutrition in pregnant and lactating women in short-term (6-12 months) emergency SFPs?
dear alison. I am afraid I do not have the answer but please share with me if you get some answers as i am very much interested in this too. Related to this a counter question: How do you diagnose the acute mlanutrition in a/ pregnant women and b/ in lactating women? What measurements are you currently usingt and their cut-off points? Thanks, mija
Mija Ververs


13 years ago
Hi Mija, we are using MUAC <21cm as the admission criteria.
Alison Donnelly


13 years ago
From Maria Catharina Phan Ju Lan: Dear Mija, in Indonesia we apply muac less than 23.5 cm as pem pregnant mother and they entitle for food supplment biscuits sandwich 100 g day only for 3 months. There is no efficacy and effectiveness of this product yet. Maria.
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


13 years ago
Thanks Maria. What nutritional intervention you do for lactating women? Something similar? Same cut-off for MUAC? Or different? You state no efficacy or effectiveness tested yet? Are you doing some research on this? Any preliminary information whether this approach for pregnant women is efficacious? Regards, Mija
Mija Ververs


13 years ago
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